Peter Löwenbräu Griffin
In one of the very funny Family Guy Episodes Peter is on the local news station giving viewers a piece of his mind. Following in his footsteps here is a list of things that just really make me angry at the present time. Of course if you know me and see me doing some of the items listed below, please give me a boot to the head.
1. Blue Tooth Ear Pieces - Is it really necessary to have these on your head every minute of the day? Even when you are not talking on your phone? I will leave the BlackBerry items off the list for now just because I kind of want one. But those might make a list in the near future.
2. Dane Cook. Is it just me or is this guy not really funny at all? Sure he is a good looking guy and possibly an ok actor, but his comedy to me is not funny. Am I missing something here? Please let me know.
3. Bob Costas. It's bad enough he is from St. Louis. Having said that, he is the main reason I don't watch Sunday Night Football.
4. Using stupid old cliches. "Let's think outide the box." Or, "We are really getting into the weeds on this topic." I don't even know what the hell that means.
5. Republicans who still believe President Bush is doing a good job. On another note, I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read: "Somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot."
Well that is about all I can think of right now. I had no idea that writing these posts were going to be this difficult. Hopefully my creative juices will start flowing with more regularity and I can post something a little more interesting.
Congrats on your new blog!.
Some of Hurricane Mikey's stuff is ok, but he's no Hemingway by any stretch
I once saw a bumper sticker that read "My kid is an all-stater, and my president is an idiot."
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