Wow. I just got online and saw that my last post was way back on October 29th. That is way too long to not post at least something.
So what has been happening to me while I have been gone? Well, my beloved Iowa Hawkeye Football squad has won a couple of games in a row and it looks as though a victory over Western Michigan this Saturday will give them 7 wins and a date in December at a bowl game. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
What else? Hmm...Oh yeah, my wife and I welcomed two new boys to the family. On November 6th late in the afternoon we went into surgery and came out with an "instant family". The first out of the gate was Michael Joseph weighing in at a respectacle 6.3lbs. A close runner up was William James at a whopping 6.8lbs. Yep thats over 12 pounds of baby in my wife. If memory serves I believe the doctor also said she had about 23 pounds of placenta in her body as well. Whoa!
Anyway, since all of that has happened I have pretty much been sleeping on and off for about 3 hours at a time. Although many thanks go out to my Mom and Dad for coming down to help out with whatever they could do. It was nice to be able to sleep in a couple of mornings as they watched the kids. I know we could have not made it without them.
Please check back as I will try and post a couple of pics. Right now I am trying to decide on how I could do it with a secure password. If anyone has idea, please send them my way.
Until the next post, have a great day!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Yep, I am getting old.
For those of you that know me pretty well you know that I did not wear glasses for many years. Yep I said it, "I did not wear glasses." Well today I am feeling a bit older.
At the beginning of the year my wife put me on her vision insurance. I said, "sure I will get an eye exam sometime." Well the time came when she mentioned that she was wasting good money on me for having vision insurance taken out of her paycheck every month. I had no choice but to go see an eye doctor.
First off I get to the office which is in a mall. I already don't like the feel of this. The next step is to fill out all of the paperwork for some 18 year old kid that is working the front desk. His hair and fashion sense told me he was 18. I like to generalize like that. So after filling out all of the paperwork, I get some preliminary testing done and am told to wait in this dark little exam room.
So I am waiting for about 10 minutes and I am expecting to see a Doctor. What do I get? A twenty something kid that calls himself "Doctor". So he introduces himself as Doctor and I say nice to meet you... I am not calling this kid "Doctor". Justin will do fine for me.
Anyway he tells me I have a slight astigmatism and I could "use" a prescription. He writes down the necessary numbers and tells me I am good to go. I leave the office thinking I might go get glasses some day.
Today was that day. I figured might as well do it now than really need them later. And now I am the proud owner of a pair of Nike Titanium Eye Glasses. Yeah they look kind of fashionable. And to be honest as soon as I get used to wearing them they will help. It is incredible to actually see little writing again. I never knew my eyesight was so blurry.
But, I do feel just a bit older because I have to wear them now. I always prided myself on having very strong eyesight.
Until next time.
At the beginning of the year my wife put me on her vision insurance. I said, "sure I will get an eye exam sometime." Well the time came when she mentioned that she was wasting good money on me for having vision insurance taken out of her paycheck every month. I had no choice but to go see an eye doctor.
First off I get to the office which is in a mall. I already don't like the feel of this. The next step is to fill out all of the paperwork for some 18 year old kid that is working the front desk. His hair and fashion sense told me he was 18. I like to generalize like that. So after filling out all of the paperwork, I get some preliminary testing done and am told to wait in this dark little exam room.
So I am waiting for about 10 minutes and I am expecting to see a Doctor. What do I get? A twenty something kid that calls himself "Doctor". So he introduces himself as Doctor and I say nice to meet you... I am not calling this kid "Doctor". Justin will do fine for me.
Anyway he tells me I have a slight astigmatism and I could "use" a prescription. He writes down the necessary numbers and tells me I am good to go. I leave the office thinking I might go get glasses some day.
Today was that day. I figured might as well do it now than really need them later. And now I am the proud owner of a pair of Nike Titanium Eye Glasses. Yeah they look kind of fashionable. And to be honest as soon as I get used to wearing them they will help. It is incredible to actually see little writing again. I never knew my eyesight was so blurry.
But, I do feel just a bit older because I have to wear them now. I always prided myself on having very strong eyesight.
Until next time.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Why "Boot To The Head"?
For those of you that are wondering why someone would name their blog "Boot To The Head" please see the following video.
I hope you enjoyed the song as much as my friend Brad and I did and still do. We found this song while listening to the old Dr. Demento Show back when we were growing up.
Hope you have a great day.
I hope you enjoyed the song as much as my friend Brad and I did and still do. We found this song while listening to the old Dr. Demento Show back when we were growing up.
Hope you have a great day.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
New Sprint Center Arena in Downtown Kansas City
Well today was the big day. The new downtown arena has opened. And they even let the great unwashed, (me included) tour the inside of the arena.
All I can say is W-O-W! I don't think I had ever seen a brand spanking new arena, stadium or concert venue on the day it has opened. I was amazed with everything I saw. From the longest escalator known to man to the absolutely incredible private suites for those corporate big money people. I have to tell you the designers of this gem did a fantastic job.
Probably the coolest part of the arena is that the entire outer shell is completely glass. As you can see from the photo above there is daylight coming in from the windows. The whole place was very open and "airy".
Another cool part of the design is that the arena is actually built at ground level. Now I say this because most arenas built like that have access to the upper seating levels at about half-way up. And then you have to climb very steep steps to get to your seat. This arena has escalators that take you from ground level all the way up to the top level and you actually walk down to your seat. There is a concourse at the highest level with restrooms and concession stands.
There are 18,000 seats in this arena but yet it feels very comfortable. After looking around the arena from every angle I truly believe there is not a bad seat in the house.
I also went down to where my seats are for the Garth Brooks Concert on November 12th. Incredible view. If you are wanting to purchase the tickets from me. Please leave a comment with an offer and a way to contact you.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the writing.
Friday, October 5, 2007
I am no Mike D., Worm or Johnny Chan for that matter.
I believe I have realized one simple fact about myself. I am terrible at poker. I just got home from a game over at my buddies house where I broke even. Oh but what could have been. I think I folded about three full houses and laid down winners when the rest of the cards were shown. I am definitely not a poker professional.
Anyway this week was just fine if I do say so myself. But man I am ready for the weekend. I think I am just going to sit around and watch football all day tomorrow. As far as Sunday goes, I am a much bigger college fan than the NFL. I guess it is all of the tradition and pageantry that goes with the college experience.
Now if I could just figure out what the hell is going on with my beloved Iowa Hawkeye’s the world would be a much happier place. I feel that it is probably due to the game really passing the Offensive and Defensive coordinator positions by. Also, it always seems that Iowa has a huge let down the week before a big game or the week after a big game. I don’t know maybe 2002 was the only season of dreams for us Hawkeye faithful.
Here is a little pregnancy information for those that want to know. My wife Jennifer went to the doctor today and her blood pressure was exceedingly high. I know what you are probably thinking. Why weren’t you with her? Well, I had forgotten all about the appointment and scheduled a meeting clear up North of where we live. Oops. And to top it off the doctor says to my wife, “Great day for your husband not to show up.” Anyway she had to go to the hospital where they ran a bunch of tests on the babies and everything on that front was ok. Only now she has to collect every ounce of urine for the next 24 hours. How disgusting is that? Not just an occasional sample, but all of the urine. What will the medical field come up with next?
Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. Please keep those comments coming. Thanks for reading.
Anyway this week was just fine if I do say so myself. But man I am ready for the weekend. I think I am just going to sit around and watch football all day tomorrow. As far as Sunday goes, I am a much bigger college fan than the NFL. I guess it is all of the tradition and pageantry that goes with the college experience.
Now if I could just figure out what the hell is going on with my beloved Iowa Hawkeye’s the world would be a much happier place. I feel that it is probably due to the game really passing the Offensive and Defensive coordinator positions by. Also, it always seems that Iowa has a huge let down the week before a big game or the week after a big game. I don’t know maybe 2002 was the only season of dreams for us Hawkeye faithful.
Here is a little pregnancy information for those that want to know. My wife Jennifer went to the doctor today and her blood pressure was exceedingly high. I know what you are probably thinking. Why weren’t you with her? Well, I had forgotten all about the appointment and scheduled a meeting clear up North of where we live. Oops. And to top it off the doctor says to my wife, “Great day for your husband not to show up.” Anyway she had to go to the hospital where they ran a bunch of tests on the babies and everything on that front was ok. Only now she has to collect every ounce of urine for the next 24 hours. How disgusting is that? Not just an occasional sample, but all of the urine. What will the medical field come up with next?
Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. Please keep those comments coming. Thanks for reading.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
What Really Grinds My Gears

Peter Löwenbräu Griffin
In one of the very funny Family Guy Episodes Peter is on the local news station giving viewers a piece of his mind. Following in his footsteps here is a list of things that just really make me angry at the present time. Of course if you know me and see me doing some of the items listed below, please give me a boot to the head.
1. Blue Tooth Ear Pieces - Is it really necessary to have these on your head every minute of the day? Even when you are not talking on your phone? I will leave the BlackBerry items off the list for now just because I kind of want one. But those might make a list in the near future.
2. Dane Cook. Is it just me or is this guy not really funny at all? Sure he is a good looking guy and possibly an ok actor, but his comedy to me is not funny. Am I missing something here? Please let me know.
3. Bob Costas. It's bad enough he is from St. Louis. Having said that, he is the main reason I don't watch Sunday Night Football.
4. Using stupid old cliches. "Let's think outide the box." Or, "We are really getting into the weeds on this topic." I don't even know what the hell that means.
5. Republicans who still believe President Bush is doing a good job. On another note, I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read: "Somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot."
Well that is about all I can think of right now. I had no idea that writing these posts were going to be this difficult. Hopefully my creative juices will start flowing with more regularity and I can post something a little more interesting.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Today Is the First Day Of The Rest Of My Life.
Today being October 1, 2007 I have decided to start a blog. I suppose I am a bit late in the technology craze of blogging, but here I am. The main reason I am starting this is because of the new additions to our family in a few weeks. For those of you that don't know we are expecting twin boys. We are very excited and cannot wait to have an "instant family"
Yesterday I spent the entire day out at the Kansas Speedway for the LifeLock 400 Nextel Cup Chase Race. And I must say my wonderful Jeep Grand Cherokee Sponsored Race Team did a wonderful job of getting me to the race and back home. I just love how during every NASCAR interview they have to mention every sponsor of the car.
Now don't get me wrong I am not a huge race fan. I would much rather be hitting the little white ball around some nicely manicured golf course. But when the big NASCAR circus comes to your town and your company decides to entertain guests with a fun little tailgate I must attend.
I did have fun grilling up some burgers and brats for the guests. And the race was exciting for the laps that I saw. But if you pay attention to racing news you know what kind of cluster the actual race was yesterday. We got plenty of rain and plenty of standing around waiting. So I made the executive decision to get out as fast as I could. Which wasn't all that fast. Other people had decided to leave with me. I got back home just in time to watch the Chiefs upset my Chargers. When will just one of my sports teams do something good for once?
I suppose this is a fine enough start to my blogging life. I will hopefully keep it updated regularly. Thanks for reading.
Yesterday I spent the entire day out at the Kansas Speedway for the LifeLock 400 Nextel Cup Chase Race. And I must say my wonderful Jeep Grand Cherokee Sponsored Race Team did a wonderful job of getting me to the race and back home. I just love how during every NASCAR interview they have to mention every sponsor of the car.
Now don't get me wrong I am not a huge race fan. I would much rather be hitting the little white ball around some nicely manicured golf course. But when the big NASCAR circus comes to your town and your company decides to entertain guests with a fun little tailgate I must attend.
I did have fun grilling up some burgers and brats for the guests. And the race was exciting for the laps that I saw. But if you pay attention to racing news you know what kind of cluster the actual race was yesterday. We got plenty of rain and plenty of standing around waiting. So I made the executive decision to get out as fast as I could. Which wasn't all that fast. Other people had decided to leave with me. I got back home just in time to watch the Chiefs upset my Chargers. When will just one of my sports teams do something good for once?
I suppose this is a fine enough start to my blogging life. I will hopefully keep it updated regularly. Thanks for reading.
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